HikVision DVR-Camera Setup
Patriot can connect to HikVision DVR/NVR and/or detached HikVision network cameras.
A Patriot License with the Hikvision Module
The HikVision Client Files installed into:
The Client Folder of each workstation that will view the Hikvision CCTV
This folder is normally C:\Program Files (x86)\Patriot Systems\Patriot Version 6 Client\
The Task Service installation folder for each service that will host a HikVision task.
This folder is normally C:\Program Files (x86)\Patriot Systems\Patriot Task Service\
Contact Patriot Support for these files.
Hikvision Client Files Versions
- Latest version:
- Previous available version:
Setting up the DVR
Full DVR configuration is beyond the scope of this document. In this section DVR or camera settings important to Patriot monitoring are covered only. Please refer to your HikVision DVR manual when configuring a new DVR installation.
Most settings described here as required for connecting Patriot to a DVR installation are identical or very similar when connecting independent HikVision network camera(s).
See also
Record DVR/Camera details
DVR/Camera IP Address and SDK Port number (if the device has a public static address), or the DDNS Alias (if using a service like www.hik-online.com).
DVR/Camera Username and Password
Configure IP Ports and Firewall
Patriot requires that the DVR or detached camera's SDK Port and RTSP Port are both correctly port forwarded through the external firewall to access media streams over the internet.
Setup Event Reporting
Most alarm events are generated at the camera level and can be configured from the Camera Settings section of your DVR.
Record Schedule
A Record Schedule must be enabled and configured for each camera you intend to use with Patriot for alarm event playback. Note that alarm events will only be reported when the DVR is Armed. (See Remote Arming/Disarming the DVR.)
Pre and post alarm record times are configurable from the Advanced menu.