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Version: 6.12


ATA (Auto Temp Arm) - A window where a user can come in out of hours e.g. cleaners. See Auto Status Monitoring for further information.

Delinquency - No signals received. See Signal Polling for further information

IOP - Installer Operator Practices. See Dealer Guidelines for further information

SOP - Standard Operator Practices. See Attending To An Alarm for further information

Pick up Activation - This is where the activation will now belong to the currently logged in operator, they can respond to the activation how they see fit. See Attending To An Alarm - Operator ownership for further information

Auto completed - When an alarm is triggered if Auto Status monitoring is enabled, then if a restore signal is received in the set time the activation is closed automatically. See Auto Status Monitoring for further information

Put to Sleep - This is where an alarm is put to sleep this can be woken up either after a set time or manually. See Attending To An Alarm - Sleep button for further information

Action Plan Changes - This occurs when an Action plan has escalated into another Action plan. See Action Plans Overview for further information

Check Attended This is put on a Response note that has a contact attend an activation

Check Contacted This is put on a Response note that has a contact that has been contacted about a current activation, an example would be the owner being contacted that a burglar alarm has been activated

Check Contact Failed This is put on a Response note that has a contact that has been contacted about a current activation but didn't respond this could be not responding to an email text or call