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Version: 6.12


OzVision Video Receiver (Optional Module)

The OzVision Video Receiver Task runs in conjunction with the OzVision Video Receiver which allows rapid response to alarms aided by one click viewing of video from the event. The OzVision Video receiver allows alarm verification and prioritizing, and virtual timed guard tours.

Please refer to the OzVision documentation for instructions on installing the OzVision receiver and software, and also on using the OzVision video player program.

Task Setup

Once OzVision has been setup and tested, setup the OzVision receiver task in Patriot. Patriot will need to be registered for the Camera Interface module before this can be done.

The OzVision Video Receiver task is setup in the same way as other receiver tasks. Check that the comm parameters to match those set in the OzVision video Receiver (they should default to the correct values). Setup a template client for the OzVision task, and enter this client number into the System account number field of the OzVision receiver task. This template can be downloaded from the Patriot website.

Next, specify the path to the OzVision folder. On the server and each workstation, go to System > System Settings > Workstation Settings. Enter the location of the OzPlay.exe program into the OzVision viewer field. Following the OzVision installation instructions, this is usually X:\OzPlay.exe

Patriot expects a polling signal from the OzVision Video receiver at least every 30 seconds. If one is not received, Patriot will log a receiver in error signal.

Client Setup

The following events can be logged against a client, and should be added to any templates used by clients monitored by an OzVision video receiver. These event types have purposely been made high so they won't conflict with any existing event types that the client is using.

Description of EventType No
Beginning of download of video file64000
End of execution of scheduled Guard Tour64001
End of download of records from OzLINE DRAM unit64002
End of reception of alarm file64003

If a type 64001, 64002, or 64003 has been received for a client, then the video button will appear on the activation report window (see below).

On the Zones tab of each OzVision client, set the camera type field to OzVision.

Viewing Video

After a type 64001, 64002, or 64003 signal is received, the video button will be displayed on the alarm activation screen. Clicking this will play the first video associated with the activation.

The recordings button on the activations screen can also be used to view and play additional recordings.

Finally, video footage can also be viewed directly from the client history or signal browse screens using the play button in the signal details section.

The video will open directly in the OzVision video viewer. Please see the OzVision user manual for instructions on using the video display window. Once the operator has finished viewing the video, simply quit the viewer program normally. The Stop button on the Recordings and Signals screens can also be used to exit the video viewer if required.