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Version: 6.12

Arrowhead IP Converter Setup

Arrowhead IP converter units are supported in Patriot 6 and above through one of two optional add-on modules: the Arrowhead module or the ArmorIP module. Which module you require depends on which signalling module you choose to enable in you Arrowhead device firmware. Devices configured to report in Patriot LS30 mode will require the Arrowhead module, devices configured to report with the ArmorIP protocol require Patriot's ArmorIP module. Either module will add native compatibility for Arrowhead IP converter units using there respective signalling protocols. Once installed, no external receiver software/hardware will be required to receive signalling from alarm panels supported by Arrowhead IP converter units.

Any problems or questions regarding the specifics of the device programming and configuration should be directed to Arrowhead.


  • Patriot version 6.2 installed (older versions of Patriot 5 and 6 are also compatible with reduced support).
  • Either the Arrowhead OR the ICT ArmorIP module must be licensed.
  • Secure LAN with internet access and correctly configured firewall.

Setup the Arrowhead Task

System Menu Item > Tasks > Task Settings

Please read Task Settings for general information about adding tasks.

add Add a new task to the list in the Task Settings window. Double click on Arrowhead in the drop down list in the details area of the window.

next Click the next button to continue. The Arrowhead task settings form will appear.

Arrowhead Task Settings

Arrowhead Task Settings

Enter a Description of the task, e.g. Arrowhead IP Receiver

The Task No. will default to the next free task number.

Select the Computer name of the machine that this task is to be run on. This will default to the computer you are currently on, a copy of the Patriot Task Service must be installed and running on the chosen machine.

Backup: Check this box if you wish this task to be defined as a backup task.

Enter a System Account No. The system account number is used to log error and system generated signals against. This should default to 0000000101, if it hasn't, enter this in now. If this account does not already exist you will need to set it up as a template.

Enter the 2 digit Port ID that signals received by this task will be logged against.

Text log Filter Level can be use for task troubleshooting purposes. It should be left at the default None.

Local IP Port No should be set to a free port on the Patriot Server Machine. This port must be configured to accept connections, and routed correctly from your external network firewall.

IP Poll Type No. is a Contact ID type number which Patriot will interpret as a polling signal from the Micron device. This number needs to match that setup in the Arrowhead device firmware. IP Polling can be setup on a per client basis from the Test tab of a Patriot client file.You can enter multiple ports in the IP Poll type No. field. they can be entered with a separating comma. e.g 800,803


If your Arrowhead device firmware does not allow you to specify the polling report type, or you have an older version of Patriot installed which does not have the IP Poll Type No. setting please see the Troubleshooting section at the bottom of this document.

Save Click Save to save Arrowhead task settings

Patriot Client Setup

Clients for this task need to be set up with Contact ID Event Type Template (CID1-01).

If you wish to enable IP Polling on a particular panel, select the Tests tab on the corresponding Patriot account. Please refer to the Client Tests Tab documentation for further information.


IP Polling and Alarm Panel Periodic Tests

Older versions of Patriot supported Arrowhead devices through the IP Module and the LS30 task. This task treats the Contact ID type 602 as an Arrowhead IP polling report. Alarm panel periodic test signals are often configured to report their periodic test on this type code. This will lead to the masking of these periodic test signals, as there is no way to distinguish between the two Contact ID 602 events. In this case you must re-configure the panel to send the periodic test signal on a different event code (we suggest 603). This is will ensure the that the status of both IP converter and alarm panel can be independently monitored, the setup is detailed in the diagram below.

IP Polling Setup
Configuring IP polling with older versions of Patriot software.

Arrowhead Firmware

The following configuration options in the panel are necessary:

Account code#### (client number)
Override panel Account codeON (ticked)
Monitor NameUse Patriot Task Service external IP address
Monitor PortIP Port used to send to server, e.g. 1426
Alternative Monitor PortAlternative IP Port, e.g. 5000
CID Codetwo field's set to 801 and 802 respectively.
IP Alarm ProtocolSet to Patriot LS-30
Poll Interval15 (may need increasing due to signal spam if using ICT(LS30) Task)
Line Fail EnabledON (ticked)
IP Monitor Fail CID code701

For Arrowhead devices using ArmorIP reporting, please follow the ICT Setup document.