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Version: 6.12

Galaxy IP Task

This receiver task supports the Galaxy Series 3 and Galaxy Dimension Panels, when used with the Galaxy Ethernet Module. The optional Patriot Galaxy module must be included in your licence in order to create or use this task.

Panel Setup

Patriot connection to Galaxy Panels in both TCP and UDP modes. Configure the panel with the external ip address / port for the Monitoring Station. Port forwarding may need to be used to forward the incoming connections to the Patriot Task Server. For further setup information for the panels, contact your panel supplier or distributor.


It is possible to enable encryption between the Galaxy panels and the Patriot server, to prevent unauthorised access or modification of the messages. Encryption can be enabled on the panel, or in the Patriot task settings. If encryption is enabled in the panel, encryption must be enabled in Patriot as well. However if encryption is not enabled in the panel but is turned on inside Patriot, then the connection will still be encrypted. For this reason, it is recommended not to enable encryption in the panel and simply use the Patriot encryption option as a master on/off switch. If encryption is enabled in the panel but not inside Patriot, then Patriot will refuse the connection from the panel.

Patriot Task Setup

See System Menu Item > Tasks > Task Settings

Please read TASK SETTINGS for general information about adding tasks.

add Add a new task to the list in the Task Settings window. Double click on Galaxy in the drop down list in the details area of the window.

next Click the next button to continue. The Galaxy task settings form will appear.

Galaxy Task Settings

Enter a Description of the task, e.g. Galaxy

The Task No. will default to the next free task number.

Select the Computer that this task is to be run on. This will default to the computer you are currently on. Use the button on the right of the text box to fill the field with this computer's name if the Galaxy task is to be run on this computer.

Enter a System Account No. The system account number is used to log error and system generated signals against. This should default to GALX000101, if it hasn't, enter this in now. If this account does not already exist you will need to set it up as a template in the DBA.

Text log Filter level is primarily used for troubleshooting purposes. From time to time patriot support staff may request this to be enabled, for the most part it should be off.

Local IP Port No should be set to a free port on the Patriot Server Machine and must coincide to the setting of the connection port number in the Ethernet adaptor settings. The default of 10002 should generally be used.

Enter the 2 digit Port ID that signals received by this task will be logged against. Generally the default of 01 is adequate.

If required, Use Encryption can be enabled here. This will force all incoming connections from Galaxy panels to use Encryption. This setting overrides the settings in the Panel. See the Encryption section for more details.

Save Save Click Save to save Galaxy task settings