Provision DVR-Camera Setup
A Patriot License with the Provision Module
The Provision Client Files installed into:
The Client Folder of each workstation that will view the Provision CCTV
This folder is normally C:\Program Files\Patriot Systems\Patriot Client\
Create a folder called Provision and copy these files into this folder
The Task Service installation folder if the Provision task is used to receive event information.
This folder is normally C:\Program Files\Patriot Systems\Patriot Task Service\
Create a folder called Provision and copy these files into this folder
Contact Patriot Support for these files.
Visual C++ 2010 needs to be installed
- x86 version for Client
- x64 for Task service
Setting up the DVR
Full DVR configuration is beyond the scope of this document. In this section DVR settings important to Patriot monitoring are covered only. Please refer to your Provision DVR manual when configuring a new DVR installation.
See also
Record DVR/Camera details
DVR/Camera IP Address and SDK Port number (If using device's static IP address) or the DDNS Alias.
DVR/Camera serial number(If using Peer to Peer(P2P))
DVR/Camera Username and Password
Configure Connection
Depending on the connection type it may not require configuration the IP port or firewall
If using static IP or DDNS connection, Patriot requires that the DVR or detached camera's SDK Port and RTSP Port are both correctly port forwarded through the external firewall to access media streams over the internet. P2P connection does not require any setting changes
Setup Event Reporting
Alarm events will only be reported when the DVR is Armed. (See Remote Arming/Disarming the DVR.)
A Record Schedule must be enabled and configured for each camera you intend to use with Patriot for alarm event playback

More schedule settings can be used by clicking the "Advanced" button

To play video on the alarm, "Record" must be configured, and "Push" must be set to "On" to receive event from that camera.
Patriot Client Setup
Switch to the Zones Tab of a client.
Set the Camera Type option to Provision.
Choose the Camera Stream used for streaming all camera feeds.
Override the Event Reporting setting if different to the task setting (see below).
Check Poll Camera and choose a polling interval in minutes
If the client has a DVR installed enter the address into the Location field and enter the DVR Login and Password (if required).
Select or insert a Zone which will have a camera associated with it and check Camera Enabled.
Zone Numbers used for cameras must be unique. Do not use the same zone no. twice with a different module no.. This will give unpredictable results.

When entering a DVR or camera address into a Location field use one of the following formats:
Using Default Port | Custom Port (e.g. 8000) | |
Using static IP Address default port 6036 | | |
For P2P(NAT 1.0) default port 80 | | |
For P2P(NAT 2.0) default port 7968 | | |
For P2P use the QR number on your device for the P2P device serial No field, you will also need to provide a user name and password.
Some devices don't support NAT2.0.
Dual Monitoring with an Alarm Panel
If you are monitoring a Provision DVR site in combination with a standard alarm panel, you will need to setup dual monitoring. In a dual monitoring scenario it is likely that you will get zone conflicts between the alarm panel zone list and the Provision camera listing. For this reason recommended practice is to setup a separate area account for the camera system. See the Dual Monitoring section of DVR monitoring for more details.
Automatic Remote Arming/Disarming the DVR
Provision devices which have alarm event reporting enabled are not normally configured using schedules within the device (frequent changes in the schedules often make this impractical). For this reason Patriot includes an automatic remote Arming/Disarming feature (additional to the manual Arm/Disarm action command) which is designed to work in dual monitoring scenarios.
View the Remote Arming/Disarming a DVR document for further details.
Camera Audio and Sound
To capture and receive audio for voice broadcast you must have a microphone device connected to your PC.
Event Types
Event types for Provision can be found in the templates page.
The following events can have many module numbers and will need copies of the event types with module numbers to account for this:
- Sensor Alarm - the module number refers to the sensor number
- Hard Disk Read-Write Error - the module number refers to the hard disk number
- HDD Pulled Out - the module number refers to the hard disk number
Setting up the Task
Task Setup
Please read the Task Settings document for general information about adding tasks.
Add a new task to the list in the Task Settings window. Double click on Provision in the drop down list in the details area of the window.
Click the next button to continue. The Provision task settings form will appear.

Task Settings
- The Only Log Same Signal outside: This setting prevents repeated signals from cluttering the signal history. This is useful if a DVR sends the same signal repeatedly -- movement on cameras can generate a lot of motion detection events, for example. You can set the number higher to reduce the amount of duplicated signals. When monitoring for Motion Detection, a setting above 1 minute is recommended.
- Enable Receiver Polling: This setting can be used as an extra protection against Provision task stopping to process alarms. When enabled, the Receiver Timeout setting can be entered. If the task fails to process a message, e.g. an alarm or exception message, within the Receiver Timeout setting, a Polling Failure (65021) signal will be logged to the task's system account.
- Event Reporting: Defines the default behaviour of connected DVR's regarding event reporting. This setting should be set to the behaviour you require for the majority of sites being monitored through this task. The option can be overridden on a per site basis (within the Patriot client) if required. Three options are available:
- Always On: for sites that should always report events.
- Armed On Status: for sites which should only report when the site is armed.
- Always Off: for sites that should never report events. This will help speed up the startup and shutdown time of the task.
On task startup, Patriot will connect to each Provision DVR that you have configured in the Zones Tab of Patriot clients, and it will start receiving alarms from the clients in Closed state.
When Poll Camera option is enabled in the client camera settings, the Provision task will periodically check the DVR, and will log a polling failure signal to the client if the DVR connection is disrupted. A poll restore signal will be logged when the connection restores.
Operation: Using the Cameras
You can view Cameras from different screens within Patriot
- The camera can be viewed directly by clicking on the camera icon next to the zone, in the zone list.
- When responding to an activation from the client, a video event must have recently reported before this activation is treated as a video verification alarm. A video event is defined as an event reported from the DVR where video access makes sense (like a Motion Detection event, or the Input on the Camera has triggered). Some events from the DVR (generally system fault events) are not reported as video events. The source of the signal received generally indicates if the event is a video event or not. The video event must have reported within the time specified in the Time Range For Video Event setting (System Settings > System Wide Settings > Misc Settings > Camera Video Settings), from the time of the activation to be treated as a recent event. A Video Verification Alarm will display the Camera Button on the Activation tab (if multi screen support is enabled, the camera controls will be displayed immediately), clicking on the Camera button will take the operator directly to the camera associated with the Zone which has originated the activation. If multiple video events have recently been received, these will all be displayed on the camera window.
- As motion detection alarms from the DVR isn't always reliable, using the alarm events from the dual monitored alarm panel can reduce false alarms. The recommended approach to setting this up is to configure the alarm events from the alarm panel to generate alarms in Patriot (ie priority action plan). Then configure the motion detection events from the DVR with non priority action plans. In this way a single motion detection event won't generate an alarm to the operator, but an alarm event from the panel and the DVR together, will generate an activation for the operator, and it will be treated as a video verification alarm.
- Cameras can be viewed in the Maintain Client Window under the Cameras Tab
- Playback of historic alarm events is possible from the Signal History area of the Patriot client file.
Operational Functions
- When responding to an activation, the camera display will be automatically put into Event view. The first connection shows the alarm event for the activated zone. The alarm event footage can be replayed easily by clicking on the play from time button. The second connection shows the live feed from the activated zone.
- When using the camera controls in anything other than single view (i.e. quad, nine etc), the camera controls on the left hand tool bar apply to the selected connection. The selected connection has a green border around it. You can change the selected connection by clicking on another connection. The camera control buttons will only be enabled if a camera (from the camera list) has been selected.
- A list of installed camera numbers can be requested from the site by clicking on the info button, from in the Clients Camera tab.