Ademco Serial Receiver Task
Receivers Supported by this Task:
Ademco 685 and various emulating receivers.
Receiver Settings
Please refer to individual receiver documentation for detailed configuration information.
Task Setup
View the Task Settings screen by going here:
System Menu > Tasks > Task Settings
Please read Task Settings for general information about receiver task configuration.

Special Ademco Receiver Settings
IR Fast Review Text Optional: If disabled (default) the task will always expect IR Fast format to send review text. When enabled, the ir fast signal is interpreted to decide if review text will be sent from the panel. This can allow some panels (ie via multipath) to be supported which does not send Review Text. If after enabling this option, you no longer receive any Review Text (such as Zone Descriptions from the panel), please contact support, as there are certain FE100/FE900 configurations which incorrectly report the Review Text status.
Signal Replacement: Please refer to Signal Replacement Module.
Offline Behaviour: This defines the behaviour the task should have when the Patriot Data Service is offline (or unreachable). The default behaviour for all Patriot tasks is Cache. The Ignore behaviour is also available for the Ademco task. Refer to the Offline Behaviour section of the Task Settings documentation before changing this setting.
The following settings apply to IRFast signals from Innerrange alarm panels
Strip Open/Close Review Text: Enabling this option will strip trailing characters.
Strip Zone Review Text: This option is used to strip trailing characters, characters to be stripped are controlled with the Zone Review Text Format field.
Zone Review Text Format: This setting will become visible once Strip Zone is enabled. Defines the format of the Zone review Text.