Tasks Overview

Task Service
Perhaps one of Patriot 6's most unique features is its ability to concurrently run multiple instances of widely varying background tasks. Many monitoring systems require several separate programs to run to achieve what the Patriot 6 Task Service can do all in a single simple to use application.
Only one Task Service is required on any workstation or server where a network workgroup may have several instances of the TaskService each performing various tasks on separate machines. For instance a server may be running the Task Service with Receiver and email messaging task's while various workstations may be running report's, telephony, and SMS messaging Tasks.
Patriot is continually developing new tasks so the list of available tasks is always growing. As new tasks can be easily developed and clipped into your system the Task Service future proofs Patriot 6 software against new and emerging technologies.
Setting up Tasks
Tasks are set up from the available tasks listed in the Task Settings Window.
System Menu Item > Tasks > Task Settings
see TASK SETTINGS for more information about setting up tasks