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Version: 6.11

Morphean IP Receiver Task


  • The DC09 module must be registered.
  • Secure LAN with internet access and correctly configured firewall.
  • The Morphean task in Patriot support Alarm Verification image links either in http or https format. To view these images you must have the Standard Media module registered and the client camera type should be set to Standard Media.

Patriot Task Setup

Under System > Tasks > Task Settings, select the insert (+) button to add a new task. Select Morphean from the drop-down, and click next.

First set the general task information: Description, Computer, and Port ID to suit your system layout. See general task settings for more information.

Local IP Port No should be set to a free TCP port on the computer hosting the Morphean task (in most configurations this will be your main Patriot Task server). Depending on your network setup, port forwarding may need to be configured with your network router to correctly forward inbound connections to the Patriot task.

Security Key should match the encryption key setup in your connected service or device(s). Leave blank if encryption is not enabled at the client end. See Encryption below.

Signals must have the correct timestamp should be checked when using Morphean encryption over the public internet to protect against replay attacks.

Log GPS Signal Separately should be checked if you want a separate signal logged for each GPS location received. If unchecked then GPS coordinates may instead be logged inside another signal (e.g. an alarm or restore signal).

Treat 602 As Poll should be checked if you receive Contact ID signals and you want the 602 event code treated as a standard IP Poll (i.e. it won't be logged as a signal instead it will reset the IP poll timer).

Once the task is set up correctly and saved, Patriot will automatically begin listening for connections from Morphean clients. This can be checked from the task diagnostics screen.

Panel configuration

The Morphean panel must be configured to send signals to the IP address of the Patriot server. If your server is behind a firewall or router, port forwarding may be required. Make sure that the port number matches the setting in the Patriot task. IP Polling can be enabled in the panel if this is required.

Patriot Client Setup

First find out which alarm format is used by each remote device and then on the Event Types tab check Use Template and select the match alarm format template as appropriate. Morphean devices typically transmit alarm signals in the SIA format.

If you wish to enable IP Polling on a particular panel, select the Tests tab on the corresponding Patriot account. Please refer to the Client Tests Tab documentation for further information.