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Version: 6.11

Progressive Web App

ICA can be configured as a Progressive Web App (PWA), which allows it to be installed like a regular app. You can customise the name, logo, and other details for the ICA app, and can optionally submit it to application stores like the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.


PWA support varies depending on your users' browser, devices, and operating system. Additionally, the individual storefronts each have their own requirements and restrictions. The following information is provided as a guide and for convenience, but the setup, publishing, and support of PWAs is outside the scope of Patriot support.

Create Manifest File

You must create a manifest file that describes how you want ICA to show up when installed as a PWA. This includes the name, description, and icons to use.

You can use the following example as a baseline:

"short_name": "Patriot ICA",
"name": "Patriot ICA",
"id": "patriot-ica",
"description": "Patriot Internet Client Access allows customers, technicians and Bureaus to access and maintain their accounts 24/7",
"start_url": "/",
"display": "standalone",
"background_color": "#fff",
"icons": [
"src": "/images/pwa-logo.png",
"sizes": "512x512",

Update the fields in this document to suit your own requirements. You can find an overview of all the available fields and how to configure them at Mozilla Developer Network

You will need to generate your own icons. Ensure you generate the required sizes for your target platforms. See Mozilla Developer Network for details, and consider using a tool like PWA Image Generator to help.


Some browsers do not let you change the name, short_name, or icons fields after installing the application. Other fields can usually be changed but may take some time to appear on the user's device, depending on their browser caching settings. Ensure you set these values correctly when first publishing the manifest file.

Most browsers will open links to ICA inside the PWA app, if it is installed. This can be used with Patriots Messaging Tasks, if the notification contains a link to ICA. This is especially useful with features like Web Dispatch and First Response. However, ICA doesn't support browser push notifications even when installed as a PWA, so if notifications are required you will need to continue using a dedicated messaging task like SMS or Email.

Deploy + Test Manifest

Once the manifest.json file is ready, copy it onto your Patriot server. The file needs to be placed at [Data Service Install Directory]/ICA/static/manifest.json. Place any images in [Data Service Install Directory]/ICA/images. If you have multiple servers, ensure the files are copied onto all instances.

Once the manifest is in place, you can validate it via PWABuilder by entering your ICA address. Some warnings are expected, but ensure there are no errors shown. Once the manifest is validated, you can view ICA in your chosen browser(s) to see how it looks. Most browsers will offer an 'Install' option.

Publishing to Stores

In addition to having ICA being installable by visiting the ICA address in the browser, many application stores are now allowing PWA apps to be listed alongside native platform apps. While Patriot does not directly offer application store publishing for ICA, tools such as PWA Builder can help create store listings for your ICA portal app.

See the PWABuilder Quick-Start for more information on publishing your PWA to stores.


Each store has their own requirements and restrictions, and usually requires creating a publisher account with each platform. Patriot cannot guarantee your application will be accepted into any given store.