ICA Dashboard
The ICA Dashboard feature provides ICA users with an interactive overview of their data.
Both the content and layout of the dashboard are able to be configured.
This document outlines the following:
- Required Security Right
- Import Customised Dashboard
- Configuration JSON Format
- Layout Overview
- Available Panel Types

Required Security Right
The ICA Dashboard is available only to users with "Extended Access" or "Monitoring". See more details at Web Access Levels.
Following options become available when above groups are selected.
- Built-in Dashboard Access: Users can access the default dashboard template which is provided by Patriot.
- Full Dashboard Access: Users can access all templates in the maintenance menu. If this option is un-ticked, users can only access specific templates.
Import Customised Dashboard
We support JSON to customise dashboard. The JSON file can be imported via Maintenance > General > Dashboard.
Configuration JSON Format
The dashboard configuration JSON allows specifying:
- Which panel types are visible.
- The configuration options for each panel.
- The size and location of each panel
The configuration must be valid JSON. The structure is as follows:
// For each row in the dashboard:
// For each panel in this row:
"type": "ClientCount", // See Available Panels for available panel types
"width": "Sixth", // See Layout Overview
"options": {
... // See Available Panels for options per panel type
Download an example config file
Layout Overview
A dashboard is made up of a number of horizontal Rows where each Row contains a number of Panels.
The width of each panel can be configured to one of the following options:
- Full
- Half
- Third
- Quarter
- Sixth
The configured width represents the horizontal ratio of the screen that will be used for that panel.
On small screens (i.e. mobile) panels may extend to better display their content.

Available Panel Types
In the following table TypeScript style type annotations are used.
I.e.: "?
" Indicates that a property is optional

title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
// How often to refresh the data for this panel
refreshInterval?: Duration
// The timespan to fetch data for
windowSize?: Duration
"type": "ActivationsByActionPlan",
"width": "Half",
"options": {
"title": "Completed Activations By Action Plan",
"subtitle": "Last 7 days",
"refreshInterval": { "minutes": 10 },
"windowSize": { "days": 7 }

title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
// How often to refresh the data for this panel
refreshInterval?: Duration
// The timespan to fetch data for
windowSize?: Duration
"type": "ActiveClients",
"width": "Half",
"options": {
"title": "Top Active Clients",
"subtitle": "Last 7 days",
"refreshInterval": { "minutes": 10 },
"windowSize": { "days": 7 }
// whether to show offline count (defaults to true)
includeOffline?: boolean;
// determines if a client's commissioned date must be set to be counted as online (defaults to false)
onlyCommissioned?: boolean;
// How often to refresh the data for this panel
refreshInterval?: Duration
"type": "ClientCount",
"width": "Sixth",
"options": {
"includeOffline": true,
"onlyCommissioned": false,
"refreshInterval": { "minutes": 10 },
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
// How often to refresh the data for this panel
refreshInterval?: Duration
// The timespan to fetch data for
windowSize?: Duration
"type": "CompletedActivationsCount",
"width": "Sixth",
"options": {
"title": "Completed Activations",
"subtitle": "Last 7 days",
"refreshInterval": { "minutes": 10 },
"windowSize": { "days": 7 }
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
// How often to refresh the data for this panel
refreshInterval?: Duration
// The timespan to fetch data for
windowSize?: Duration
"type": "OnlineOfflineCount",
"width": "Sixth",
"options": {
"title": "Client Commissioning",
"subtitle": "Last 7 days",
"refreshInterval": { "minutes": 10 },
"windowSize": { "days": 7 }
// How often to refresh the data for this panel
refreshInterval?: Duration
"type": "OutstandingWorkOrderCount",
"width": "Sixth",
"options": {
"refreshInterval": { "minutes": 10 },
// How often to refresh the data for this panel
refreshInterval?: Duration
"type": "TemporaryTestModeCount",
"width": "Sixth",
"options": {
"refreshInterval": { "minutes": 10 },
Type Definitions
A duration can be one of:
years?: number;
quarters?: number;
months?: number;
weeks?: number;
days?: number;
hours?: number;
minutes?: number;
seconds?: number;
milliseconds?: number;
}i.e. to represent 10 minutes:
"refreshinterval": { "minutes": 10 }
Number - Indicates a value in milliseconds.
i.e. to represent 10 minutes:"refreshinterval": 600000
String - Indicates an ISO8601 Duration.
i.e. to represent 10 minutes:"refreshinterval": 600000