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Version: 6.12

General Client Settings

General Client Settings
General Client Settings

General Client Settings

Default Note Expiry

Enter the number of days for notes (on the notes tab of a client) to remain in the system, before they will be removed. This will only happen if expire note is enabled.

New Client Template

The default Template for a new client can be specified here.

Dealer Filter

The functionality of Patriot's ICA (web client) module is quickly catching up to the traditional Windows desktop client. This has meant that increasingly monitoring stations are granting their dealers access to their Patriot clients via ICA instead of or in addition to the Windows desktop client via the IDA module. When a dealer is setup for both ICA and IDA access this can result in duplication, e.g. when using the Insert Client for Dealer option the dealer may be listed twice. This setting controls whether dealers setup for IDA access or ICA access (or both) are displayed in these areas of Patriot. If you are using a mixture of ICA and IDA for dealer access it is recommended that this setting is changed from the default value of Both to IDA Only or ICA Only to prevent this duplication.

Enable Dealer Branding

Dealer Features Module Required. Displays Dealer branding on client.

Show Operator Notes in History

The default setting of Show Operator Notes in Signal History tab of a client can be edited here.

Default Opening/Closing Hour

The default Open/Close time when inserting a new schedule for a client.


If you have the Enterprise Edition of Patriot and Auto-Complete Standard Messages setting is enabled, an intellisense text box will appear in all areas supported by Standard Messages.(Read Standard Message for more detail)

Default Account Type

Default Account Type when creating a client without copying a client template.

Prevent Client Delete With Assigned Equipment

This setting prevents Clients being deleted when they have Equipment linked to them. While enabled attempting to delete a Client with linked Equipment will be blocked. If this setting is disabled then Clients with linked Equipment will be able to be deleted however, the linked Equipment will also be deleted.

Backup Client on Delete

If enabled, a backup export of any deleted clients will be stored in the DeletedClients folder in the data service installation directory. This can be used to recover deleted clients via the Import Tool

Site Groupings

Site Group settings
Site Group settings

Site grouping types are set here which control which grouping type is used for various Patriot features. Note that many of these features are limited to particular add-on modules, and if you do not have these add-on modules on your license these settings will not be visible.

Paknet TU Group Type

Controls which site grouping type is used for Paknet receiver integration features. Note that the selected group type must have the "Allow Multiple Items" option disabled.

UL Account Group Type

Controls which site grouping type is used for categorising clients by their UL Module account type.

UL Response Time Group Type

Controls which site grouping type is used for categorising clients by their UL Module mandated Response Time.

Patrol Run Group Grouping

Controls which site grouping type is used for grouping guard tour patrols by their patrol run group. Patrol Response module only. Note that the selected group type must have the "Allow Multiple Items" option disabled.

Patrol Dispatch Group Type

Controls which site grouping type is used for grouping dispatch patrols by their dispatch group e.g. key chain, region etc. Patrol Response module only.

Phone Number Settings

Phone number settings
Phone number settings

The prefixes to use for calling outside lines and mobile phones.

Work Orders Settings

Work order settings
Work order settings

Default Work Due Days

The default time scale for Work Due By days when creating a new work order for a client.

Default Billing Due Days

The default time scale for To Be Billed days when creating a new work order for a client.

Test Mode Settings

Test Mode settings
Test Mode settings

Log Expiration Warning

Option to add notification when testmode expires. If enabled, additional settings will be added to the test mode form.

  • Never: Hide controls and always disable.
  • Default Off: Controls displayed and defaulted off.
  • Default On: Controls displayed and defaulted on.
  • Always: Hide controls and defaulted on.

Time Before Expiration

Default time (before Test Mode expiration) to log the notification signal.

ICA Settings

ICA Settings
ICA Settings

Online Monitoring Feedback Email

This is the email address for requests from ICA to be sent to. Users of ICA who do not have permission to edit their details will instead be prompted to email their change requests to this email address.

ICA Address

The URL / address of your ICA web portal. This address is used in the links sent to Dispatch Patrols using Web Dispatch, and also used when operators open ICA Links from the Patriot client.

Firebase Instance Id

This is your unique identifier used by the Smart Phone task for sending notifications to the Plink app. This Id will be provided to you by the Patriot support team during your Plink app deployment.

Maximum Report Date Range

The maximum number of days of data ICA can generate reports on.

Adds contextual links within Patriot client that open the corresponding item in ICA.

ICA Links
ICA Links on client tabs.