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Version: 6.12

Alarm Sound Settings

Alarm sounds files

Space is provided to enter .wav file names for alarm sounds.

Sound File Locations

For the Patriot desktop client, the sound files must be placed in the Patriot Client installation folder on each workstation (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Patriot Systems\Patriot Version 6 Client ).

For ICA, the sound files must be placed in the ICA\static\sounds sub-folder of the Data Service installation folder (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Patriot Systems\Patriot Data Service\ICA\static\sounds ).

Alarm Interval (Seconds)

This is the time (in seconds) between repeating playback of a new Alarm Sound. This setting controls the play interval for all six Alarm Sounds.

For example if the Alarm Interval is set to 10 seconds, the alarm sound will play every 10 seconds until the activation has either been picked up by an operator, completed, removed, or placed on hold.

If there are several new activations, each with different sounds assigned to the action plans, only the highest priority action plan sound will be played.

Out Of Focus Warning Filename

Enter the filename of an alarm sound you want played when the Patriot Client program is not in focus. This may be useful if you want either a louder or softer alarm sound than normal, while working in other applications.

You can also receive popup notifications when Patriot is not in focus. For more information, see Workstation Settings.

Play Alarm Sound for Awoken Activation

This option determines if an alarm sound will play for activations as soon as they awaken from sleep.

Play Alarm Sound for Released Activation

This option determines if an alarm sound will play for an activation when an operator releases it. A released activation is one that an operator has first taken ownership of, and then returns it to the main list of new activations. See Attending To An Alarm for more information.

Reminder Interval (Seconds)

This is the time in seconds between repeating playback of the Alarm Reminder sound file. The Alarm Reminder sound is played back when the logged in operator has ownership of pending activation/s. The Alarm Reminder sound will play repeatedly at this interval until all of an operator's pending Activations are completed, removed, or a new Activation triggers one of the new Alarm sounds to begin playback.