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Version: 6.11

Jasper Task

Patriot can automatically activate or deactivate SIM cards via the Jasper Task .


This feature requires the Jasper module added to your license.

You will also need an account setup in M2MOne before you will be able to test any commissioning and decommissioning.

Task Setup

Add a new Task into the system. See Tasks for general task setup information.

Select Jasper as the task type.

When a client account in Patriot is commissioned or decommissioned, the Jasper task will send the appropriate command to the Jasper webservice, to change the status of the associated SIM card.

Jasper Task Settings
Jasper Task Settings

Configuring the Commission and Decommission events

Event Types

There are two system events which you will need to link to the Jasper task:

  • 65516 - Client Commissioned
  • 65517 - Client Decommissioned

These are triggered by clicking the Commission Client and Decommission Client buttons on the Maintenance Tab of a client.

Configure the event type settings in a template account, such as the System Events template. Add 65516 and 65517 if they are not already present. Assign a suitable action plan for each event. It may be simplest to create two new action plans, for example "Commission" and "Decommission". See Event Types and Action Plans documents for more information.

Create a User

Open the User Maintenance window and create a single global user that will be used to trigger API requests when commissioning and decommissioning clients.

Response Plans

Configure two responses plan for the two action plans, Commission and Decommission, which includes the global Jasper user in the response. There are a number of methods for doing this, but the simplest way is as follows:

  1. Open Maintenance > General > Response Plans
  2. Create 2 response plans, called Commission, and Decommission.
  3. Add the global Jasper user into the two new response plans.
  4. Assign the new response plans to the matching action plans.
Jasper Assigned Task Settings
Global Response Plan with Jasper User assigned

See Response Plans for more general information on how to configure a response plan.

These two response plans also need to have the corresponding task command assigned to them:

  • Commission Response Plan:

    1. Double click on the user to open settings.
    2. Assign the Jasper task to this user.
    3. Double click to open the task options popup.
    4. Set the Command Type to Activate.
  • Decommission Response Plan:

    1. Double click on the user to open settings.
    2. Assign the Jasper task to this user.
    3. Double click to open the task options popup.
    4. Set the Command Type to Deactivate.
Jasper Assigned Task Settings
Jasper Assigned Task settings

Communicator Type

Open the Communicator Type maintenance screen by going to Maintenance > General > Communicator Types.

Jasper Communicator Type Settings
Communicator Type settings

Create at least one new communicator type.

Configure the following settings:

  • First, set the Type to Jasper. Selecting this will display the server settings for the API connection.
  • Server Address: This is the address of the Jasper Web API. It must include the protocol in the URL (http:// or https://), and the path to the API version ([server root URL]/api/v1).
  • User Name: The user name for API authentication.
  • API Key: The API Key. This will need to be created in M2MOne first, under your user profile. From your user profile, you can create, view, and reset the API Key. Copy this key into the Communicator type setting.

If there are multiple API user accounts or servers that you need to connect to, you can add additional communicator types. Give each one a distinctive name.

Client Setup

For any clients that will use Jasper, go to the Maintenance Tab and configure an Add-On Device:

Jasper Add-On Device Settings
Add-On Device Settings

Configure the following settings:

  • Device Ref No: This should match the ICCID of the account, and is used to link the patriot client to the account registered in M2MOne. It must be filled out before commissioning or decommissioning the client.
  • Communicator Type: Select a communicator type that you have created for Jasper (see previous section above for details).

Activating/Deactivating SIM cards

When commissioning or decommissioning a Patriot client that has the correct API details configured as above, a command will be sent to the Jasper API automatically, and a signal will be logged to the client history to indicate that this has completed successfully or not.

Client commissioning and decommissioning is controlled from the Maintenance tab of a client.

Commission/Decommission buttons
Commission/Decommission buttons

It is important to uncheck the system wide setting option Default Commission Date To Current Time. This is found under System Wide Settings > General Client Settings. If this option is turned on, clients are commissioned automatically as soon as they are created, rather than being a manual commissioning once the account is all set up and ready to go live.


API Error Codes

Error CodeHTTP CodeDescription
10000001401Invalid credentials.
Control Center uses this error message when the API credentials are invalid or when the IP address is not within the allowed range.
10000005400Invalid status.
10000008400Your role does not have access to operator and customer custom fields.
10000009400Your role does not have access to account custom fields.
10000010400Your role does not have access to customer custom field.
10000011400One or more required fields are missing.
10000012400Invalid date format.
10000015400Invalid customer.
10000023400The JSON in the request is not well formed. Please ensure that commas, colons, braces etc. are formatted properly.
10000024400Invalid API Version.
10000025400Invalid Device ID.
10000026400Invalid modemID.
10000028400Invalid request.
The request contained one or more unrecognised parameters.
10000029400This SIM may not be moved back to a Pre Activation status.
10000030400Your role does not have access to this API function.
10000031400Invalid Zone.
20000001404Resource not found - Invalid ICCID.
30000001500Unknown server error.