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Version: 6.12

Browser Quick Search

A feature that can be useful for quickly accessing various pages in ICA is to use custom search engines in your browser.

The details on how to configure this feature differs by browser:

  • For chrome see here

  • For Firefox you can add a bookmark to a URL with %s in place of a parameter. With the bookmark shown in the below image a user would be able to enter a 123 in the address bar to open Activation 123 at

    Firefox Edit Bookmark Form
    Firefox Edit Bookmark Form


The following table lists some URLs which may be useful with this feature:


When configuring the below URLs replace <ica-url> with your ICA url (i.e. for searching clients use

Search Clients<ica-url>/clients?phrase=%s
Open Activation by Id<ica-url>/activations/%s
Open Work Order/Dispatch Job by Id<ica-url>/work-orders/%s
Search Work Orders<ica-url>/work-orders?search=%s
Search Dispatch Jobs<ica-url>/dispatch/jobs?search=%s