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Version: 6.12

Arc Homecare Lone Worker Module Setup

Arc Homecare devices can be monitored in Patriot when the Arc Homecare module is added to your registration.


  • The Arc Homecare module registered
  • Secure LAN with internet access and correctly configured firewall

Setup the Arc Homecare Task

System Menu Item > Tasks > Task Settings

Please read Task Settings for general information about adding tasks.

add Add a new task to the list in the Task Settings window. Double click on Arc Homecare in the drop down list in the details area of the window.

next Click the next button to continue. The Arc Homecare task settings form will appear.

Arc Homecare Task Settings

Enter a Description of the task, e.g. Arc Homecare task

The Task No. will default to the next free task number.

Select the Computer name of the machine that this task is to be run on. This will default to the computer you are currently on, a copy of the Patriot Task Service must be installed and running on the chosen machine.

Enter a System Account No. The system account number is used to log error and system generated signals against. This will default to "TNST-01" the Arc Homecare Event Type template (see Patriot Client Setup). Like all task types, it is recommended that you create a new Patriot client for monitoring receiver alarms and set it here.

Enter a unique Port ID for the receiver

Text log Filter Level can be use for task troubleshooting purposes. It should be left at the default None.

Local IP Port No should be set to a free port on the Patriot Server Machine. This port must be configured to accept connections from remote Arc Homecare devices so it must routed correctly through your external network firewall and local Windows server firewall.

Save Save Click Save to save Arc Homecare task settings

Patriot Client Setup

A Patriot Arc Homecare client, like any other client is added via the Add New Client dialog in the Clients menu.

The Client ID can be set to any free client ID.

Enter the Arc Homecare device's Serial number into the Device Reference No. field located in the Panel Details section of the client maintenance tab. This step is very important - it is the link between signals received from a Tuntall device and the Patriot client.


If you do not enter the Serial number, or enter it incorrectly then signals received from the Arc Homecare device will not be logged correctly.


Clients for this task need to be set up with Arc Homecare Event Type Template (TNST-01) on the Event Types tab. A copy of this template, ready for Patriot import, is available from Receivers & Format Templates.