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Version: 6.11

Auto Complete Recent Alarm On Opening

A common cause of false alarms occur when the premises is set, and a user triggers an alarm in the process of disarming the system. The monitoring station receives an activation, followed by an opening signal soon after.

With a little configuration, these activations can be auto completed, reducing operator workload.

Step 1: Configure Activations eligible to be Auto Completed

For this feature to work the common activation types must be configured with a special option set to 'Allow Auto Complete'. This is used to designate any action plans as eligible for Auto Complete.

For alarm on opening, this would generally be the action plan used for intruder alarms. Its normal that only certain zones of a site should be allowed to auto complete on alarm on opening. To configure in this way, create a new Action Plan which is a copy of the action plan used for Intruder Alarms. Leave all settings the same as the Intruder action plan, except for the special option. Set this to Allow Auto Complete. Set a timeout value if required, and choose an Auto Complete Group that hasn't been used. Change the action plan name to Intruder Auto Complete.

Allow Auto Complete Options
Allow Auto Complete Options

Step 2: Configure Client Zones

Each zone that allows auto complete of alarm on opening needs to be configured. Edit the appropriate zones, and place an action plan override on the action plans that are eligible for auto complete. In our example, add an action plan override on the Intruder action plan, and set this to use the Intruder Auto Complete action plan.

Action Plan Override
Action Plan Override

Step 3: Configure Opening to Auto Complete

Next select the Opening Action Plan and set the special option of this to Auto Complete. Tick on Only During Open Schedule, so only alarms received after the expected opening time will auto complete. Set the Auto Complete Group to the same group used for the Intruder Auto Complete action plan.

Auto Complete Options
Auto Complete Options

Now, when the open is received, it will check if any existing activations belonging to the site that has the Allow Auto Complete option set and auto complete them. A note will be added to the activation to log that this has occurred.

If dealing with an activation with Allow Auto Complete special option and an open signal is received, a message will be prompt to the operator illustrating what had happened.

Activation Auto Complete Prompt
Activation Auto Complete Prompt