Work Order Categories
Work Order Categories are used by both standard Work Orders and patrol dispatches, they can be configured at Maintenance > General > Work Order Categories. Each Work Order Category can be shared between multiple dispatch Work Order types, this is achieved by assigning different dispatch and work order types to the Work Order Category.

Extra data
Some dispatch types may require extra data to be entered, if not set, a icon will appear. By double-clicking the dispatch type, a form will be opened for entering the extra data.

For the extra data's requirement and constraints, please refer to each dispatch type's document. A full list of dispatch types can be found in "Dispatch unavailable while on-site" section of the "Dispatch Module" document.
Dispatch unavailable while on-site
Prevents operators from sending new dispatch requests to patrols when they are already on-site on a job of this category. This option applies to Plink dispatches and Web dispatches including automatic dispatches.
Feedback form
Can configure a plink or web dispatch type to have a feedback form to be sent with the dispatch job. Read feedback forms for more information.