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Version: 6.11

Troubleshooting guide

General trouble-shooting

Check Windows Event Log for errors (Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Event Viewer). Patriot logs to the Application log. Both services and the client will log there for errors.

Failed to connect to data service - check this is running

If the data service is running without error but the client or task service are unable to connect:

Check the network settings using the configurator program or client options on the login page (you can also manually edit the .config file in each of their installation folders). Check that the hostname is correct, and that the port used matches the host port setting in the data service configuration.

Check that the firewall is not preventing the connection (you can get the port number from the configurator).

Patriot Data Service doesn't start after a reboot

Have run across this problem - nothing in event log under application, but under system log the error “timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the Patriot Data Service to connect.”

This is probably caused by the system not being ready for the data service when it starts up. This can be temporarily fixed by changing the service start mode to Automatic (Delayed). Please email Paul if this comes up again.

Patriot Client hangs when starting without Internet Access

This can occur because Patriot is an authenticode signed application and may need to contact an internet certification server to protect against harmful application tampering.

If you experience this problem, upgrading to the latest version of the .NET framework should fix it. If that is not possible you can add the following section to the runtime configuration section of the Patriot Version 6 Client configuration file (PatriotV6Client.exe.config) located in the installation folder.

<!-- existing configuration content here -->
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>

This setting also affects the other component programs of Patriot so if you are experiencing this problem with the Patriot 6 Client, you may need to add the same setting to the configuration of the other component programs: Patriot Data Service, Patriot Task Service, Patriot Utilities, and Patriot Configurator. The Report Runner/Viewer (both located in the Patriot Version 6 Client installation folder) are particularly important because they are automatically started and stopped frequently by Patriot so this setting is enabled by default for these programs.

General Tasks trouble-shooting

Check task service is running. Check event log.

In the Patriot 6 client, check the “status” link in the bottom right corner. If it is orange and broken then hovering the mouse over it will show you details of any errors detected with tasks.

In System > Tasks > Tasks, check over the task settings. Click on the diagnostics button to see if any data is being received or if debug errors are being logged.

Invalid Connection in Integrate program

Install the SQL Native Client on the machine.

Configure Integrate program when SQL sa password non-default

From the client installation folder / legacy folder, create a shortcut to the patriotintegrate.exe program. Then go to properties of the shortcut, and under Target, add Server=[sql server name] to the end of the line with a space before Server.

Now run the shortcut. This will force the connect to patriot window to open so you can make required changes to the SQL settings,i.e. change the sa password.

Uninstall Service when uninstall doesn't work

If the uninstall fails to remove either the task or data service, remove all entries in registry for the service. The installation program primarily searches for this entry in the registry, so it must be removed from LocalMachine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall

Delete the installation folder. Then (as administrator) from cmd run sc delete [servicename]. The service name will be either patriotcsmservice or patriotdataservice.

Need to rerun the installation

Best to uninstall the installer, and reinstall. When the install is run automatically after it installs, it doesn't have security issues. If you run the demoinstaller program directly (even as administrator), it seems to have less rights (go windows bloody security!).