Current Activations
Monitoring operators can review the Current Activations screen to track current alarm activations. This feature is available in both the Patriot Desktop client as well as the Patriot ICA web portal interface
Patriot Desktop client
In the Patriot Desktop client, this screen can be accessed via the Monitoring > Current Activations menu
If you are running the Enterprise version of Patriot, please refer to the Right Activations Panel document - as this contains the recommended way of responding to activations.
Once an alarm has activated it will be displayed in the Activations Window and will remain there until cleared. Additional alarm type signals received for the client using the same Action Plan are grouped together into the same activation.
As alarms appear in the left most pane of the window, the main window displays the currently selected alarm type signal that has been activated and provides detailed information on time, client and priority.

The current activation workspace has two, operator persistant, view options: collapsed and expanded list view. The collapsed list view option shows additional information (e.g. full recent signal history) about the selected activation at the expense of reduced "at a glance" information (e.g. last operator comment is not displayed) in the activation list itself.
Alarm type signals that have been activated can be filtered by the following "radio" buttons:
- New: All new activations only.
- Mine: Activations currently assigned to the logged in user.
- Sleeping: All activations currently in sleep status.
Auto-assigning Alarms to Operators
This applies only if you have the Group Pending Alarms By Client setting enabled in System Wide Settings. When more than one alarm comes in on a single client, and an operator has one of the alarms open, all the other alarms for that client will be automatically assigned to the same operator.
These alarms will show in the 'New' queue for all operators, with the pre-assigned operator name displayed. These alarms will also show in the 'Mine' queue for the specific operator. Other operators can take over the pre-assigned activation if required by opening it as normal but a warning will be displayed to show that the activation was pre-assigned.
This feature can be overridden using the action plan setting Exclude From Group Pending Alarms By Client.
Activation Response
Double-clicking on an activation will open the Activation Response screen. In the activation response screen an operator can enter notes and record details of any action taken when dealing with the alarm.
See the Attending To An Alarm section for more details.
Activation options
Remove Activation
Clicking this will remove the selected activation from the list.
Multiple Complete
All the records can be easily and quickly deleted using the Multiple complete button. This completes all selected activations in one operation.
A stripped down Attend Report window appears allowing you to enter a report note and reason which is automatically logged against each of the selected activations.
You can also further filter which activations are completed by action plan. Multiple activations can be selected by holding down either the SHIFT or the CTRL key and selecting the desired activations using the mouse. Access can be restricted on this window. (as with standard remove) if you wish to restrict access to these functions.
Licensing Requirements This feature requires either an Enterprise-level license, or the Enterprise Response Module.
Stop Refreshing
This function allows you to temporarily stop patriot from placing new activations on this screen so the current ones can be dealt with. This option can be disabled if desirable.
Auto Select
Will immediately open an activation report for the highest priority event currently assigned to the logged in user.
Licensing Requirements This feature requires either an Enterprise-level license, or the Enterprise Response Module.
Multiple on Hold
Works similar to the Multiple complete button with shift and ctrl functionality except places selected events on hold, rather than removing them from the system.
Monitor Restores
Opens an external window to view any restoral events related to the current activations and expected restore times. Refer to Auto Alarm Handling for information on alarm restoral monitoring.
Licensing Requirements: This feature requires either an Enterprise-level license, or the Enterprise Response Module.
Patriot currently limits 50 records per page, these buttons allow you to quickly flick back and forth between pages is this limit has been exceeded. You will find this is a common UI element throughout the program.
Temporary Schedule Change
Enables you to temporarily change the client's schedule in the current activations screen. This is only displayed when an auto status monitoring event comes through (e.g. late to close, open out of hours etc) and operator security has been enabled on this control.
Search Alarms
Quickly find and open an activation by entering its ticket number.
Activations / My Activations
The Enterprise version of Patriot 6 also features a new convenient activations window to notify you of new events. This will always be present on the right hand side of the patriot client window, and can be minimized/maximized using the pin icon in the top right corner. It will also display any activations currently assigned to the operator, under the heading My Activations.
From this window you can also select to automatically assign and open the next available activation, or to monitor restores. For more information go to the Right Activations Panel document.

Clicking an activation here will open a quick select window which allows you to quickly deal with activation alarms with On Hold, Remove, and Multi-Complete options. An activation can be opened by double clicking the activation details.

New activity on an activation
If an activation has been put on hold, and more signals are received, a star icon will display next to the activation to indicate to operators that new activity has occurred.

This is useful for activations that are put aside until new events or new information is available. When an operator sees the new signals icon beside an activation, they can immediately see that some new events have been received for that client, and take action if required.
The new activity indicator is cleared each time an activation is placed on hold or put to sleep.
ICA Web Interface
In the ICA web interface, this screen can be accessed via the Activations > Current Activations menu. The Activations menu indicates the number of pending alarms.
Auto-Refresh / Paging
By default, this screen automatically refreshes to show new alarms. This can be controlled using the auto-refresh button. Disabling auto-refresh allows manual paging when many alarms are present.